A tour around the Suburb of Salvador

R. do Corredor, 53 - São Tomé de Paripe, Salvador - BA, 40800-300
4 horas
Restaurante Boca de Galinha. Plataforma, Salvador, Bahia. Foto: Amanda Oliveira.
Casarão do Alto. São Tomé de Paripe. Salvador Bahia. Foto Og Cruz.
Praia de São Tomé de Paripe. Salvador, Bahia. Foto: Amanda Oliveira.
Casarão do Alto. São Tomé de Paripe. Salvador Bahia. Foto divulgação.
Casarão do Alto. São Tomé de Paripe. Salvador Bahia. Foto divulgação.
Praia São Tomé De Paripe Salvador Bahia. Foto: Amanda Oliveira .
Praia São Tomé De Paripe Salvador Bahia. Foto: Amanda Oliveira .
Praia São Tomé De Paripe Salvador Bahia. Foto: Amanda Oliveira .
Restaurante Boca de Galinha. Plataforma, Salvador, Bahia. Foto: Amanda Oliveira.
Restaurante Boca de Galinha. Plataforma, Salvador, Bahia. Foto: Amanda Oliveira.
Restaurante Boca de Galinha. Plataforma, Salvador, Bahia. Foto: Amanda Oliveira.

A full day of programming: culture, beach and gastronomy

The suburb of Salvador is amazing and full of places you will love to visit. Write down the tips for spending the day there.

To start, go to Acervo da Laje, a space rich in artistic, cultural and research memory that tells a lot about our city. Afterwards, take a dip in the sea on São Tomé de Paripe Beach, have lunch at the Boca de Galinha restaurant and end the day watching the sunset from the top of the hill where Casarão do Alto is located.

Acervo da Laje


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Uma publicação compartilhada por Acervo da Laje (@acervodalaje)

The Acervo da Laje is a space of artistic, cultural and research memory about the Railroad Suburb of Salvador. The objects tell the story of this region of Salvador, dialoguing with the entire city, showing that there is also beauty and aesthetic elaborations in this territory.

The Acervo da Laje Cultural Association is formed by two houses that contain libraries (General, Collections, Rare Books, Soccer, Bahiana, Poetry, Autographed, Art), newspaper library, collections of CDs, records, manuscripts, sketches, shells, bricks, tiles and antique porcelains, historical artifacts, paintings, wood and aluminum sculptures, photographs and various objects. Worth the visit. Learn more at this link https://www.acervodalaje.com.br/

São Tomé de Paripe beach

Have you ever been to São Tomé de Paripe beach? This beach is impressive for its beauty. The waters are calm and warm, coming from the All Saints Bay, and the place is very cozy, with organized street vendors and parking space along the shore. The beach is surrounded by bars and restaurants and the movement is quite big on weekends, mainly by the locals.

São Tomé do Paripe is located at the far south of Salvador coast. The calm and shallow sea is ideal for those who cannot swim and for children, and also for those who practice water sports such as windsurfing, water skiing and kayaking. It has a small pier from which boats depart daily to Ilha dos Frades and Ilha de Maré, within the All Saints Bay. Learn more at this link.

Boca de Galinha

Lunch time is at Boca de Galinha, a beautiful place full of spice, with delicious food and a privileged view. This restaurant has been serving delicious food for over 29 years in the heart of Itapagipe Bay.

There, they serve the best of Bahia’s cuisine. The menu is called “cadernato”, it is not fixed, and every day they make a new one, by hand: “Every day we receive products, we cross it out”. That way they always serve fresh food. The flagship is the moqueca, which can have eight types per day, such as seafood, shrimp with lobster, shrimp, beijupirá, mahi mahi, vermelho, caçonete and stingray.

The place is simple and has an informal bar atmosphere. The quality of its cuisine is extraordinary. The roskas are also very well made, with typical fruits. Learn more at this link.

Boca de Galinha
Address: R. Almeida Brandão, 58A – Plataforma, Salvador – BA, 40710-500
Opening hours: Friday and Saturday from 11:30 am to 6 pm. Sunday, from 11:30 am to 5 pm.
Important: payment in cash only. Credit and debit cards are not accepted.
Phone #: (71) 3398-1232

Casarão do Alto

On the top of a hill, with an exuberant view of the sea, is Casarão do Alto, a place for happy celebrations. The farm hosts wedding parties and other events, in addition to being a viewpoint in itself: from there, the sunset is unforgettable. This little piece of paradise is located in São Tomé de Paripe, in the Railroad Suburb of Salvador.

Artur Marques, owner and administrator, says that Casarão do Alto is located in a place with a nice and very old history, on the hill of São Tomé de Paripe Church, built in 1552, which makes it one of the oldest churches in Salvador (one of the few churches in the city overlooking the sea). This makes perfect sense, since the location is the entrance to the All Saints Bay and the Portuguese, at the time, built the buildings around it. Learn more at this link.

Casarão do Alto
Instagram: @casaraodoalto
A space of peace and beauty, where love fraternizes and intertwines.
Affordable values ​​and comfortable hours are part of it.
Address: R. do Corredor, 53 – São Tomé de Paripe, Salvador – BA, 40800-300
Contact: Information with Artur Marques by phone (71) 98740-4422 (WhatsApp)
