Bahia Art Museum - MAB

Av. Sete de Setembro, 2340 - Corredor da Vitória, Salvador - BA, 40080-004
History and Culture
MAB - Museu de Arte da Bahia. Foto: Assessoria/ Mateus Brito
MAB - Museu de Arte da Bahia. Foto: Assessoria/ Mateus Brito
MAB - Museu de Arte da Bahia. Foto: Assessoria/ Mateus Brito
MAB - Museu de Arte da Bahia. Foto: Assessoria/ Mateus Brito
MAB - Museu de Arte da Bahia. Foto: Assessoria/ Mateus Brito
MAB - Museu de Arte da Bahia. Foto: Assessoria/ Mateus Brito
MAB - Museu de Arte da Bahia. Foto: Assessoria/ Mateus Brito
MAB - Museu de Arte da Bahia. Foto: Assessoria/ Mateus Brito

The oldest state museum houses a class about Bahia

Created in 1918 in the building annexed to the Public Archives and transferred in 1982 to its current headquarters at Corredor da Vitória, Bahia Art Museum is the oldest in the State. On the ground floor, there are maps and aspects of Salvador on the 17th century, at the Dutch invasion time, in 1624, besides illustrations that feel like a walk through the city of Salvador in the 19th century.

The rosewood staircase is an artwork itself and, in the upper floor, it is possible to see the work of important Bahian names, such as Presciliano Silva, Alberto Valença and Mendonça Filho. A lesson about Bahia for Bahians and tourists.

Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday, from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., and Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Phone: 3117-6902

Photos: Press office

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