Artistic manifestation of Bahia traditions

The Bahia Folkloric Ballet performances are passionate and energetic spectacles. A scenic language that captures, in its purest state, Bahia’s folkloric manifestations, its stories, habits, colors and influences – and has already given the company prizes and tours throughout Brazil and the world.
The largest and most important Brazil’s folkloric dance professional company was created by Walson Botelho, better known by Vavá, and Ninho Reis. Today, it involves a team of more than 40 people, including dancers, musicians, technicians, producers, administrators.

They dedicate themselves, in full time, to the further development of dance, theater and music techniques, under the artistic direction of José Carlos Santos, the Zebrinha. The Folkloric Ballet delights us with its presentations every day, except Sundays, at the Miguel Santana Theater in Pelourinho. Unmissable.
Bahia Folkloric Ballet (Balé Folclórico da Bahia)
Instagram: @bfdabahia
Presentations: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7pm. It stops only for Christmas, Carnival and New Year’s Eve.
Address: Teatro Miguel Santana – Rua Gregório de Matos, 49, Pelourinho, Salvador.
Entrance: tickets R$ 90,00 for sale at the box office, daily, from 3pm on.
Telephone: contact and reservations – (71) 3322-1962 / fundacaobfb@gmail.com
Important: payment in cash only.
We’ve prepared a perfect playlist for this experience. Listen now!