Padroeira da Bahia (Patron of Bahia)
Celebration of Nossa Senhora da Conceição da Praia (Our Lady of the Conception of the Beach)
The oldest religious festival in Brazil has a trio elétrico to the sound of the Basilica choir

Located at the bottom of the mountain that connects the High City to the Lower City, it is the Basilica of Nossa Senhora da Conceição da Praia, the third built in the place. On December 8th, there is a Festa Típica Popular (a Typical Popular Party) in honor of the patron saint of Bahia, being the oldest religious festival in Brazil. Priests, congregations, seminarians and the population follow the andor accompanying the electric trio to the sound of the choir of the Basilica.
From there, there is also one of the greatest religious celebrations: the Lavagem do Bonfim. From this church depart the processions, cortege, baskets of offerings, the baianas (ladies typically dressed) and also the electric “carts of coffee” with their sound in the maximum volume. Also many bereguedês (small crafted cars) and micro trios go together in the walk until Bonfim Church. Get to know other cultural points of interest in the city. Come with us.
The floor is entirely made of lioz stone and carrara marble, one of the place’s wonders. Inside there is the “early church,” where the church “began.” The place has been kept in ruins and is full of candles. There is a window from where you can see the staircase that was the first connection between the Lower City and the Upper City.
Next to the church, the Conceição da Praia Cerimonial was recently inaugurated, which combined modern architecture with the original interior walls. With a capacity of 1000 people, it is perfect for events and large wedding parties.
The history of this church
In 1549, Portuguese ships docked in Salvador. An image of the Patron Saint of Lisbon accompanied the troop’s great trips. The image, unique in the whole world, was settled on a first building, which ruins still exist today. The image of Our Lady Immaculate Conception reigned absolute until 1946, when the nun was proclaimed Patron Saint of Bahia. The church project was developed in Portugal and its current construction, in baroque style, was made entirely of lioz marble brought from Portugal. The stones were glued with whale oil and the work lasted 300 years, involving three generations of artisans. It is the only modular construction church of Salvador.
The Church of Our Lady of Conceição da Praia, located on Conceição da Praia Street, is practically in front of the sea. The name Conceição da Praia came from the population itself, because it is close to the beach. Built in 1623, it is one of the oldest parishes of the Archdiocese of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.
Nossa Senhora da Conceição da Praia (Our Lady of the Conception of the Beach)
Address: Rua da Conceição da Praia – Church, no number – Comércio – ZIP Code: 40015-250
Phone #: (71) 3038-6250 / 3038-6254
Email: pnscp@ig.com.br / Website: www.santuarioconceicaodapraia.com
Church open from Monday to Thursday, from 8 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm, Friday and Sunday, from 8 am to 12 pm.
The Church is next to Modelo Market, next to the Lacerda Elevator.
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