Batatinha Circuit (Historic Center)

Largo Terreiro de Jesus - Pelourinho, Salvador - BA, 40026-010
Praça Municipal. Centro Histórico. Foto: divulgação
Praça Municipal. Centro Histórico. Carnaval.
Praça Municipal. Centro Histórico. Foto: divulgação

Carnival to the sound of fanfares, blocks, marchinhas and small groups

Batatinha Circuit happens in Pelourinho and in the squares (Praça da Sé and Praça Castro Alves) and has no trios elétricos. It is mainly destined to the revelers who prefer to enjoy Carnival to the sound of fanfares, blocks, marchinhas and small groups that gather in the place. Groups and blocks usually go through the narrow streets of the city’s historic center until Ash Wednesday. It is an alternative to get away from all the excitement of Dodo and Osmar Circuits.
