A gastronomic immersion in Bahia’s patrimonial kitchen.

Even describing all the feelings that Dona Mariquita’s restaurant rescues from the Bahian culture universe, still, you will get there and discover many others. And if you dare to describe the recipes, in addition to the original ingredients such as shellfish from Recôncavo da Bahia, seeds and leaves, mixing the Indigenous, African and country influences, you would need to add a touch of affection, another of smiles and a good spoon of appreciation .
It is incredible how that little blue house, in a quiet street in Rio Vermelho neighborhood, can represent so many ‘Bahias’. A little of Bahia patrimonial cuisine, a rich cuisine that goes beyond the palm oil and carries not only the African heritage but also Muslim and country. At Dona Mariquita, the dishes are made as they were created, in a rescue of traditional recipes for the cultural heritage preservation.
Colorful dishes full of flavor, impeccable decoration inspired by candomblé terreiros, pleasant lighting, make you want to stay there for hours enjoying each bite. Accept the day’s suggestions or let your creativity choose your meal. Take the opportunity to ask for the tamarind caipiroska; it is hard to find it somewhere else!
The restaurant brings to the table, in large portions for two people, dishes like maniçoba (stew made from the cassava leaf); xinxim (a stew that, in this restaurant, as in the past, brings among its spices the egussi, name given to the pumpkin or watermelon toasted seed); Pititinga with lambão sauce; peguari salad; jackfruit palm hearts; mini abará; efó (braised taioba leaf); and passarinha (ox fried spleen) the way the delicacy is sold in the baianas’ trays. There is also the milk pudding with Áridã bean, very popular in Candomblé.
It is worth taking notes about some dates to remember: every September, Dona Mariquita Restaurant offers the traditional Caruru. In the same month, there is “Lavagem do Beco do Moreno”, a fun event between friends that has become a tradition. In July’s late afternoons, there is “Merendas de Tabuleiro” with acaçá de leite, bolinho de estudante, Mungunzá, tapioca couscous, lelê, sweet rice and much more. Usually, it happens on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, from 5:00pm to 9:00pm. Stay tuned to social networks to see when it begins.
Photo: Tamarind caipiroska with Poqueca (moqueca cooked in banana leaf with acaçá de leite).
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