National Museum of Afro-Brazilian Culture: Brazilian culture and its African descent
Since its beginnings, Brazilian culture has been strongly influenced by African culture, placing us on the threshold of one of the richest cultures in the contemporary world. MUNCAB is a museum with an emphasis on the valorization of African culture aspects, highlighting its influence on Brazilian culture. The museum emerged as a result of a historic Afro-descendant claim and with the great contribution of Brazilian culture scholars who wish to deepen and welcome the undeniable popular and scholarly contribution that African culture has brought to Brazil.

You will see works that speak of the black identity; of Africa as the continent from which all mankind originated; the issue of trafficking people who have been enslaved; the black resistance, the quilombos and rebellions. You will also learn about contributions in cooking, religion and popular festivals, as well as sports and music, which is an exuberance of samba, semba, maracatu and others.

At the entrance, the grids deserves attention. Inaugurated in 2014, the “Stories of Ogum Grids” was created by the Plastic Artist J. Cunha and manufactured by Jorge Lima Metal Artefacts. The grids represent a historical landmark for Afro-Brazilian culture, a monument that represents its people history. The work portrays the African slaves’ and their freed descendants’ main moments and contributions in the construction of Brazilian civilization – the richest cultural diversity on the planet.

The role of the Museum, besides gathering Afro-Brazilian historical-cultural documentation, is to promote actions and initiatives with African countries and cultures, especially those where the largest numbers of black slaves came from, such as Angola, Mozambique and Guinea. Many exhibitions, workshops and other educational events also happen there.

The place is affectionately nicknamed a “museum in process”, since culture is a continuous process. Its very existence is synonymous with endurance, memory and constant creation while in contact with one of the oldest and richest cultures in the universe, which is the African people’s culture. The tropicalist poet and composer José Carlos Capinan is Mucab director and also president of the Association of Afro-Brazilian Culture Friends (Amafro).
Muncab – National Museum of Afro-Brazilian Culture
Address: Rua do Tesouro, 61 -127, Centro, Salvador
(71) 3022-6722