Brazil’s largest urban park of dunes, lagoons and restingas
Salvador keeps true environmental treasures in its territory. Parque das Dunas, in Salvador, is the largest urban park of dunes, lagoons and restingas in Brazil. A six million square meters complex based on sustainability: it preserves the dunes and restingas ecosystem in Salvador city, and it’s the last urban source of the country in this category. The white sand mountains can be seen from above, from the observation deck. The tour involves education, environment and ecotourism, as well as exuberant flora and fauna.

You will pass by many species of insects, birds, amphibians and reptiles. Yes!!! There are a variety of snakes, spiders, toads, owls and the lizards. But don’t worry! It’s all very safe, with a team of guides who make interpretive trails, explaining to you all about it. The park has an excellent support structure for visitors and researchers with auditorium, classrooms, composting center, restinga garden, wormery, library and recreation square. It’s an adventure with direct contact with nature and a true lesson on biodiversity.
Parque das Dunas (Dunes Park)
Address: R. José Augusto Tourinho Dantas, 1001 – Praia do Flamengo, Salvador – BA, 41603-110
Opening hours: from Monday to Friday, from 07:00 am to 5:00 pm. Saturdays, from 07:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Phone: 71 3036-1399
Important: call ahead to schedule your trail.