The Finds: fashion that is so Salvador

R. Itabuna, 160 - Rio Vermelho, Salvador - BA, 41940-650
History and Culture
As sócias da The Finds,  Carolina Castro e Lys Imbassahy. Rio Vermelho. Salvador Bahia. Foto divulgação.
The Finds. Rio Vermelho. Salvador Bahia. Foto divulgação.
The Finds. Rio Vermelho. Salvador Bahia. Foto divulgação.
The Finds. Rio Vermelho. Salvador Bahia. Foto divulgação.
The Finds. Rio Vermelho. Salvador Bahia. Foto divulgação.
The Finds. Rio Vermelho. Salvador Bahia. Foto divulgação.
The Finds. Rio Vermelho. Salvador Bahia. Foto divulgação.
The Finds. Rio Vermelho. Salvador Bahia. Foto divulgação.
The Finds. Evento de Carnaval. Rio Vermelho. Salvador Bahia. Foto divulgação.
The Finds. Rio Vermelho. Salvador Bahia. Foto divulgação.
As sócias da The Finds, Carolina Castro e Lys Imbassahy. Rio Vermelho. Salvador Bahia. Foto divulgação.

Freedom to be, to dress, to dare, anticipating trends and running away from standards

Fashion, events, vinyl record and carnival block, The Finds is really a find!

The Finds. Rio Vermelho. Salvador Bahia. Foto divulgação.

Born in Bahia, inspired by the world. It all started when Carolina Castro and Lys Imbassahy – friends since school – decided to travel to bring some “little finds” to sell in a bazaar. In 2011 a story full of adventures, discoveries and a lot of creativity began.

From bazaars to a small shop in the garage of one of their homes, The Finds (or in good Portuguese “os achados”) was increasingly gaining space in the minds and hearts of the Bahians, until they reached their three stores – two in Salvador and one in Vilas do Atlântico – in addition to winning the world through online store sales.

The stores are cute – both real and virtual – but one of the stores, located in the neighborhood of Rio Vermelho in Salvador, has a special charm: it is The Finds Concept Store! In addition to being full of concept and super cool, it’s always full of news, it has the best folks in town and the usual high spirits.

“The Finds is freedom. Freedom to be, to dress, to dare, anticipating trends and running away from standards. Attuned, the brand seeks to connect to what happens in the world, becoming a mix of local and global references. The Finds is fashion and a look that is always ahead”, says the brand’s manifesto.

In addition to the finds, today they also have their own production, with models that become the darlings among the tuned women. Another reason for the success is that anyone who lives or is visiting Salvador always has the chance to enjoy a buzz in the house’s garden. Periodically, there are parties with DJs, connections with local artists, creative actions, cold beer and the best: lots of wonderful people together. It’s so Salvador!

The “The Finds experiences” are incredible! Since fashion, vinyl record until carnival block, they’ve done a little bit of everything. Connecting people and generating unique moments in environments that vibrate music, art, culture and fashion is in the brand’s DNA.

We have prepared a list of perfect songs for this experience. Listen now!


The Finds
Instagram: @ thefinds /
Address: Rua Itabuna, 160 – Rio Vermelho, Salvador – BA, 41940-650.
Phone #s: Rio Vermelho 71 3013-0808. Vilas do Atlântico 71 3508-8088. Flamengo Beach 71 99687-6019.
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 7 pm
The store at Praia do Flamengo has a different schedule than the others, it is open every day from 9am to 5pm.
Accessibility: the front patio (garden) is at the sidewalk level. There are three steps to enter the store, there is no ramp. The interior of the store has ample space. The Vilas store is on the upper floor of the gallery, which has an elevator, and the Praia do Flamengo store is on the sidewalk level, with no steps.
