Home-office in Salvador

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Gabriela Neri. Versatilidade do teletrabalho. Salvador Bahia. Foto Mare Luna Femiani Divulgação .

Discover 7 collaborative spaces to work in the city

Professionals take advantage of telecommuting versatility to move to Salvador

Gabriela Neri. Versatilidade do teletrabalho. Salvador Bahia. Foto Mare Luna Femiani Divulgação .

By Jorge Gauthier

Brazilians who are planning their post-pandemic trip have already chosen their favorite destination: Salvador. This is what the survey conducted by the Qualitest institute points out, in which the Bahian capital appears as the preference of 18.2% of the 1,600 respondents. But the capital of Bahia does not live by tourism alone. Some more anxious decided to anticipate their plans and, take advantage of the flexibility of the home-office and established Bahia as the headquarters of their remote work during the pandemic.

This was the case of journalist Marina Aragão, 22 years old. Baiana from Jequié, she works in one of the largest newspapers in the country, based in São Paulo. When she heard, back in March, that she would be relocated to home office, she soon asked if she could move to another city.

“The point is that São Paulo is not as cozy as Salvador. And, in this delicate moment that we are living in, what we need is warmth. Be it the city itself or the people, the blue sky… Everything is very gray and cold. And Bahians don’t know how to deal with the cold, do they?”, She jokes. After receiving the green light from her bosses, she bought her tickets for April 13th.

Bleisure tourism

Have you heard of “bleisure” tourism? It is an extension of corporate travel where, in addition to doing business, the traveler takes the opportunity to do leisure tourism in the destination.

Salvador increasingly also becomes an excellent option for this type of visitor. So much so that it was the subject of one of the panels of the event Salvador Experience – Turismo 360 °, which took place on December 3rd and 4th, 2020. This event was online and free, publicizing the destination of Salvador to the tourism market throughout Brazil. In addition to the thematic panels, content pills were presented that addressed issues such as the infrastructure of the city’s Convention Center.

Collaborative spaces

Another reason that brought the journalist Marina Aragão back was her mother’s embrace, that lives in the capital of Bahia. But anyone who is not as lucky as Marina to have a fixed place to establish as a base for the home-office has other options. This is where collaborative economy spaces, the famous coworking, comes into play.

In these places, employees and freelancers share the same space, eventually working in different companies and even segments. This is a way to reduce costs, meet new people and overcome the isolation of telework. This is the case of businesswoman Gabriela Neri, 29, of the company Firma Digital, an advocate of this practice.

She opened a company in the digital marketing segment, proposing to create an “unconventional” agency, going against the practices of large companies. One of the first decisions made by her and her partner was the company’s headquarters.

“We didn’t want an exclusive place, because what is exclusive, excludes. We wanted a place where it was possible to establish connections, be in contact with other areas, create opportunities for our own business and be able to help other businesses as well,” she explains.

So, coworking emerged as a possibility to combine these ideals with the financial side. In a collaborative space, there is no individual concern for water, energy, security professionals, reception, pantry, renovating the space or periodic maintenance.

“When we put fixed costs at the tip of the pencil, we can see that being in coworking is much more worthwhile than renting a commercial space. In addition, it has the possibility to build a new way of looking at the market, to establish professional relationships of affection and to create a connection network where one raises the other. From my market experiences, I could see that companies adopt a selfish and navel-centered lifestyle. When entering a collaborative space, you start to question your sense of community and that of others, you begin to understand that everyone is responsible for taking care of a space that belongs to ‘all’ and that collective sense puts us in commitment to our team and with all the other people around us”, concludes Gabriela.

Like the idea? See some coworking spots in Salvador

1 – Casa Coworking

The firm, Gabriela’s company, is located at Casa Coworking, a space specialized in the office segment and shared meeting rooms. The site serves both companies and self-employed workers. The House is located at Rua Aracaju, 34, Barra. More information: www.acasacoworking.com.br and instagram @acasacoworking.

2 – Colabore

Colabore is a place maintained by the City of Salvador, located in Parque da Cidade, whose main objective is to support “impact businesses”, that is, those aimed at solving socio-environmental problems. More information can be obtained through instagram @ colabore.ssa and by e-mail colabore@salvador.ba.gob.br

3 – Hub Salvador

Focused on entrepreneurship, Hub Salvador already houses more than 70 companies and startups. There, they form a broad, diverse and innovative ecosystem, housed in a structure with more than 3 thousand square meters. The space is located at Avenida da França, Comércio. More information on instagram @hubsalvador, email ola@hubdsalvador.com.br or telephone (71) 3838-9990.

4 – Colaboraê

If your vein is more artistic, the Colaboraê space is ready to welcome you. The purpose of Colaboraê is to bring together diverse cultural expressions in one place, bringing new opportunities for those who live and consume art. There, there are studios and an entire structure for holding events. More information on instagram @colaborae. It is located at 81 Borges dos Reis Street, Rio Vermelho.

5 – Convention Center

If you want to hold a larger event here in Salvador, the Convention Center presents itself as a solution. New, modern and versatile, the place is prepared to meet any demand. The new Convention Center is located facing the sea. More information can be obtained through the website https://ccs-salvador.com.br/ccsalvador/o-ccs/ and by calling (71) 3957-7171.

6 – Bahia Office

Another place that offers remote offices to serve companies is the Bahia Office. The space is located both in Salvador (in the Trade Center Building, at Av. Tancredo Neves) and in Vitória da Conquista (in the multiplace Conquista Sul Building, Av. Juracy Magalhães). More information through the site http://bahiaoffice.com.br/.

7 – California Coffee Salvador

For those who want a more open and less office-like environment, California Coffee Salvador offers long tables for meetings and an equipped space. All of this, of course, being able to take advantage of the cafeteria menu, located in Shopping Barra. More information on instagram @californiacoffeesalvador.
