#salvadorathome: Quarantine Diaries

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Largo do Pelourinho. Ao fundo, Fundação Casa de Jorge Amado. Foto: Fábio Marconi.

Music, gastronomy, culture and photography: good content to follow at home.

We have gathered here some profiles on the internet that are producing quality content during this time of social isolation.

Mar Restaurant

Have you ever thought about learning how to make new recipes with a renowned chef? Now this is possible through the M’ar Gastronomia restaurant’s Instagram. For this quarantine period, chef Peu Mesquita will post some special recipes on the restaurant’s IGTV. In the first video, he teaches how to make fish in the wrapper. Watch the full video at this link.


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Uma publicação compartilhada por M’ar (@margastronomia) em

In addition, he has also given tips on series and films to lovers of the gastronomic world to “make a marathon” at home. The restaurant is also offering a very cool action to its customers. Through the apoieumrestaurante.com.br website, you can purchase an R$ 100 voucher paying only R$ 50 to use at the restaurant when it reopens after quarantine. The voucher will be valid until the end of 2020.

Best quality music research

Tropical, African, Brazilian and Black Music rhythms are part of the musical selection of music researcher and Dj Vinícius da Silveira, known as Niti seletor (@nitiseletor). Niti usually participates in several events and it is certain to find him at the fair that takes place at Rua Direita in Santo Antônio Além do Carmo, at the event “Rua Livre”. His presentations can be accompanied by an excellent craft beer, or a ginger nectar, all from close friends’ business.

He, who calls himself “a Bahian born in Porto Alegre”, has adopted Salvador as his city because of the music culture that exists here, as well as the street culture, parties, the sacred and the profane and the Bahianity itself.

“Music culture is within everyone here in Salvador”, says Niti.

Unable to go to the street during this phase of social isolation, Niti has been making lives called “Sons da Quarantena” to be heard from home. In each session, always at 4:20 pm, he presents a different rhythm. To know the days, you need to follow his profile. The first session was carimbó, followed by cumbia, then afro beat and baile black. For the next ones, sambareaggae, modern northeast and sambajazz lives are planned.

You can watch it on Instagram or his YouTube channel. If you missed the presentations, you can hear and learn more about his work through MIXDCLOUD: www.mixcloud.com/NITISELETOR, they are all there.

Learning from children


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Uma publicação compartilhada por Mana a Mana (@manaamana_) em

The lawyer and photographer Pedro Nunes is known for his strong and beautiful images of Bahia, mainly of people. The differential of his work is the proximity that the photographer builds with each of the photographed, telling their stories in clicks and also in the texts he writes on his Instagram profile @pedronunesfotografia, which has more than 17 thousand followers. With the same idea of ​​telling stories, but with a gallery of portraits only, he has the profile @pedronobranco, with black and white photos only. It’s really beautiful.

In 2017, Pedro created an Instagram profile at the request of Luna, his eldest daughter, @manaamana_. The Instagram account wasn’t filled as the daughter wanted, but the profile was kept. Then, during the quarantine of COVID-19, Pedro decided to take pictures of his daily life at home. Thus, Mana a Mana (@manaamana_), a profile for sharing the stories of 2 sisters, Luna and Brisa, was reinvented.

According to the photographer, the idea is to capture emotions and make of this very delicate moment, something less painful. The result is black and white photos that depict the simplicity of life. The profile is still small, but it will certainly inspire several parents to make beautiful records of their little ones during this period of social isolation.

#stay home


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Uma publicação compartilhada por Visit Salvador da Bahia (@visitsalvadordabahia) em

Visit Salvador da Bahia is making a series of perfect lists for this moment of social isolation. The project, which has always called residents and visitors to visit the city, showing everything with a different and poetic look, is now showing how to continue dreaming about Salvador even when everybody is indoors.

There are lists of documentaries, books, video clips and series with a lot of information and curiosities about this city that, each year, reinvents itself and shows its power. Are you curious? So stay tuned to the “Salvador em Casa” content, you will love it!

Another nice thing is that the profile is posting everything that people in Salvador are seeing through the window. With the #salvadordajanela tag, people are sharing images of sunsets, the sea, the street, making a quarantine diary in real time. People are showing the beauty of the city even when they are at home.

Photo chat

Anyone who enjoys photography, professional or not, is worth following the series of live conversations that photographer Uiler Costa (@uilercosta / www.uiler.com) has been doing in partnership with the platform Salvador Meu Amor (@salvadormeuamor). Perfect for anyone who has photography as a passion and loves Salvador, this LIVE always has two photographers and lovers of images and of Bahia.

Uiler invites other dear and renowned photographers from the city for chats that involve each other’s stories, type of work, market and curiosities. Photographers Lu Brito (@ lubito30), Helen Salomão (@visionariadequebrada) and Pedro Nunes (@pedronunesfotografia) have already participated. Stay tuned in the stories to know the next guests.

Creative processes

Workshop Amanda Tropicana – Foto – Divulgação – Salvador Bahia

Amanda Tropicana is from Rio, but has lived in Salvador since she was nine years old. She discovered herself as a photographer “little by little”, as she says. She started her journey with photography in 2005. Since then, she has participated in 25 exhibitions, among them: “The Fifth Annual Exposure Photography Award”, at the Louvre Museum, Paris. Her work is based on Afro-Brazilian culture and religion in Bahia.

During the quarantine, she decided to share her knowledge. After a survey on the stories of her Instagram profile @amandatropicana, Amanda developed an e-book. With the material, you will learn the importance of immersing yourself in your creative processes. The content is released for free on her Instagram, in highlights. Go there!

By Fernanda Slama
Content Coordinator
