Strolling in Itapuã and Piatã: here you will find leisure, entertainment and gastronomy

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Praia de Itapuã. Salvador, Farol de Itapuã como cenário. Bahia. Foto: Amanda Oliveira.

Discover 28 different tours in two traditional neighborhoods of the Bahian capital

The Itapuã region has always inspired musicians and poets and is located about 35 km from downtown Salvador. Until the 1930s, Itapuã was just a fishing village. Today, it is one of the capital’s most artistic-cultural neighborhoods, with dozens of intangible goods and intangible heritage. Next to it there is also Piatã, a neighborhood that got a new waterfront structure in 2015, expanded with the retreat of the paved area, in addition to the area for events with space for the installation of a stage.
The two neighborhoods have several entertainment options and it is worth knowing. Visit Salvador da Bahia has gathered here a list of 28 establishments in a complete itinerary of what to do there. Come check it out!

1 Bar do Mamão


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Uma publicação compartilhada por Jorge Onofre Ribeiro (@bardomamao)

Bar do Mamão attracts customers not only for the delicious food, but also to meet Jorge, the owner of the place, a long-play’s collector, who has more than 3,000 vinyl records in the establishment. The place is very cozy, with tables under the trees, and you can have lunch listening to Moraes Moreira, Chico Buarque, Gal Costa, Geraldo Azevedo, Baden Powell and many others, straight from the record player.

Establishment: Bar do Mamão
Address: Ministro Carlos Coqueijo Costa Street, 103 – Itapuã
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, from 11 am to midnight
Phone: (71) 99139-1064

2 Rumo do Vento Cultural Space

Rumo do Vento is a Cultural Center located near the Abaeté Park that, after much resistance, continues to bring culture and leisure to the community. The venue promotes “Samba da Resistência”, which takes place only on the first Saturday of the month, and all are previously announced on the venue’s Instagram. Commanded by composer Seu Regi de Itapuã, the space is a certified point of culture and has existed for over 30 years. There, the “Samba das mulheres de Itapuã” also takes place, about once every two months. During these events, customers can buy beers and snacks.

Venue: Rumo do Vento Cultural Space
Address: Praça Alto da Bela Vista de Itapuã (near Ladeira do Abaeté)
Operation: Samba da Resistência on the first Saturday of the month; Samba das Mulheres once every two months
Instagram: @ecrudovento

3 Parque das Dunas (Dunes Park)

Parque das Dunas, or Parque Ecológico e Horto da Restinga, is a reserve of about 6 million square meters and is the largest urban park of dunes, lagoons and sandbanks in Brazil. The park is based on sustainability and preserves the ecosystem of dunes and sandbanks within the city of Salvador, being the last urban spring in the country in this category. The white sand mountains can be seen from above, from the viewpoint. The tour involves education, environment and ecotourism, in addition to exuberant flora and fauna.

Establishment: Parque das Dunas
Address: José Augusto Tourinho Dantas Street, 1001
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 5 pm / Saturday, from 7 am to 1 pm
Phone: 71 3036-1399 (call ahead to schedule your trail ride)

4 Kaleopapa Canoe Club

For those who want to learn a less usual sport or just try a few classes, with 17 years in the business, the Kaleopapa Canoe Club is located in the Itapuã Lighthouse and offers exercises and canoeing, sea and life lessons, fishing, surfing, expeditions and competitions. Classes take place every day, always depending on the sea conditions. The place also has a tourist route, already carried out in the All Saints Bay and around the different islands in the region.

The price for an hour of class is R$ 50, with a 4 classes pack for R$ 40 each, and a pack of 8 classes, for R$ 35 each. The paddling takes place in Itapuã and Arembepe.

Establishment: Kaleopapa Canoe Club
Address: Praia de Itapuã, Música Street – near Barraca Rey Náutica
Opening hours: on weekdays during the morning and on weekends of your choice
Instagram: @kaleopapa_canoe_club_
Phone: 71999748509

5 Ho’ohui Canoe Club

The Ho’ohui Canoe Club is another option for those who enjoy canoeing. The club was born from the desire for personal transformation in search of quality of life and with the central purpose of connecting people, sport and nature. It has classes, personalized training and tours. Classes last 1h: 10min (instruction and mobility) and 50 min of activity.

On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, classes take place at 5 am, 6 am or 7 am; on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, they take place at 5:30 am, 6:30 am or 7:30 am; and Sundays at 8:30 am and 9:30 am. Classes once a week cost R$ 150 per month; for twice a week, the value is R$ 230; and three times a week, R$ 300. The OC 2 personalized training costs R$ 150 per hour. The single or trial class costs R$ 50.00 per person.

Establishment: Ho’ohui Canoe Club
Address: Praia de Itapuã, Música Street, near Barraca Rey Náutica.
Opening hours: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 5 am, 6 am or 7 am; on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 5:30 am, 6:30 am and 7:30 am / Sunday at 8:30 am and 9:30 am
Instagram: @hoohuicanoeclub
Phone: 71993609392

6 Mistura Restaurant

The Italian Paolo Alfonsi and the native Andréa Ribeiro met and fell in love in Itapuã. It was where they decided to live, uniting passions. Thus, they acquired a beach restaurant, Mistura Fina, to celebrate their love for each other, for the sea, and for Brazilian and Mediterranean cuisine. The place did not take long to enchant. Executives in transit through the city discovered the small beach shack, where the best fish in the area was served. In order not to sweat in the heat of the capital, they took off their suits, which, for lack of a better place, were hung around the shack.

A “decorated” beach restaurant with dozens of suits hanging around it began to attract the attention of the media. Success brought the need for a larger space, so the Mistura Restaurant was born. Mistura left the beach, but did not leave the sea. The suits are no longer hanging. However, the best fish in town is still served.

Establishment: Mistura Restaurant
Address: Prof. Souza Brito Street, 41 – Itapuã
Opening hours: Tuesday and Wednesday from 11:30 am to 10:30 pm / Sunday from 11:30 am to 6 pm / Friday and Saturday from 11:30 am to 11 pm
Instagram: @mistura.restaurantes
Phone: (71) 3375-2623

7 Casa di Vina

Located on the porch of the poet Vinicius de Moraes’ house in Itapuã, Casa Di Vina Restaurant is the meeting place between gastronomy and poetry. Specializing in Mediterranean and Bahian cuisine, the restaurant has delicious pasta, seafood, pizza, meat and special recipes taught by the poet’s wife Gessy Gesse on its menu, such as “Frango a Gesse e Vina” and the “Tarde em Itapuã” drink.

The atmosphere evokes the romanticism of the relationship between Vinicius and Gesse and the characteristic quiet of the afternoons in Itapuã. In the garden, there are outdoor tables and a colorful playground for children. Since opening in 2015, it has been considered one of the best restaurants in town, according to visitors on Tripadvisor.

Establishment: Casa di Vina
Address: Flamengo Street, R. Vinícius de Moraes, 44 – Itapuã, Salvador – BA, 41635-480
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday, from 12 pm to 11 pm / Sunday, from 12 pm to 10 pm
Instagram: casadivinabahia
Phone: (71) 99919-1715

8 Lôro Pedra do Sal

Since 1995, Grupo Lôro has taken the lead, revolutionizing customs and printing new concepts for an activity that was previously practiced in an amateurish and unstructured way in Salvador. The Lôro beach hut became a success, not only among Bahians, but also among Brazilian and foreign tourists. For eight years, it was the winner of the “Best Beach Hut in Salvador” award, granted by Veja Magazine and, twice in a row, it also received the “Gula Award” in this category.

For those who love to spend the day relaxing, Lorô Pedra do Sal, in Itapuã, is the right place. A beach known for the beautiful view and a wonderful environment. The place has a menu full of typical foods from Bahia, as well as drinks and beers. In addition, customers can also use the showers to refresh and wash the salt water off their bodies. The space has a covered area, with tables and chairs, and an outdoor area, but with umbrellas to protect customers from the hot sun.

Establishment: Lôro Pedra do Sal
Address: Vinícius de Moraes Street, no number – Itapuã
Opening hours: every day from 9 am to 5 pm
Instagram: @barracadoloro
Phone: (71) 3023-5018

9 Barraca do Galego

Barraca do Galego is one of the most famous in Itapuã and is in front of the beach, where customers can enjoy the sea breeze. The place is on the sand strip and has snacks, cold beer and drinks. Take the opportunity to wear a bathing suit and sunbathe while you enjoy your drink and wait for your meal. There, you can also rent plastic pools for children.

Establishment: Barraca do Galego
Address: Prosa Street – Itapuã
Opening hours: every day at 8 am
Instagram: @barraca_do_galego

10 Acarajé da Cira

If Acarajé da Cira is famous in Rio Vermelho, the place is not far behind in Itapuã and the region. Acarajé da Cira has already been elected the best in Salvador, and the famous dumpling fried in palm oil is a stopping point for locals and tourists visiting the neighborhood. The establishment is run by a family, passed down from generation to generation. Cira passed away in 2020 and today her daughters run the business.

Establishment: Acarajé da Cira
Address: in front of Post 12 – Aristídes Milton Street, no number – Itapuã / Av. Octávio Mangabeira, 11881 – Piatã
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday, from 3 pm to 11 pm / Friday, from 3 pm to midnight / Saturday, from 11 am to 12 am / Sunday, from 11 am to 10:30 pm
Instagram: acarajedacira
Phone: (71) 92001-5716

11 Bloco Afro Malê Debalê

For those who enjoy a more cultural ride, there is the entity of the black movement that has resisted for more than three decades in the Bahian music scene. The Afro Bloco Malê Debalê marked the 80’s and 90’s for the affirmation of the fight against racism and for the occupation of spaces by the black people. Malê is consecrated through songs, dances and costumes that bring questions and reflections about the history and life of its people to Salvador Carnival circuits.

The group has an extensive schedule throughout the year, especially in the summer. Every year, it promotes the Malê Music Festival and the Black Man and Black Woman Contest of Malê. Both events made their fortieth edition in 2018. The Afro Bloco also integrates children with the Malezinho Black Boy and Black Girl Contest. All of them at the headquarters. The Malê rehearsals have some editions in Pelourinho. In addition, they participate in the “Lavagem de Itapuã”, which takes place on the Thursday before Carnival.

Most rehearsals and performances are open to the public, but all are announced in advance on Instagram.

Establishment: Bloco Afro Malê Debalê
Address: Parque Metropolitano do Abaeté, no number, Abaeté ‒ Itapuã ‒ Salvador
Phone: 71 3285-1771
Instagram: @maledebaleoficial

12 Casa da Música (House of Music)

Casa da Música is a cultural space that aims to foster the cultural production of the community and contribute to the democratization of access to culture. The place has temporary exhibitions, soirees and chats, always with themes related to music.

Establishment: Casa da Música
Address: Alto do Abaeté, no number – Itapuã
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 5 pm / Sunday, from 9 am to 4 pm
Phone: (71) 3116-1511

13 O Picuí Restaurant

The restaurant offers informal Northeastern cuisine, with emphasis on sun-dried meat with side dishes, in dishes for more than one person. The place was opened in 1990. It accommodates 290 people in its large air-conditioned hall. It has its own parking and also a large playground. It works in the à la carte system.

Establishment: O Picuí Restaurant
Address: Aristides Milton Street, 7 – Itapuã
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday, from 11:30 am to 4:00 pm and from 6:00 pm to midnight / Friday and Saturday, from 11:30 am to 12:00 am / Sunday, from 11:30 am to 6:00 pm.
Instagram: @picurestaurante
Phone: (71) 3375-2546

14 Surf

Piatã Beach is known by tourists and residents who enjoy playing sports in the sea. For those who want to start practicing, the beaches of Jaguaribe and Piatã are the most suitable. These are the best for beginners, being the safest and where the waves have the best formation for this level of surfer. Piatã beach has a shape that resembles a cove, ending in a small rocky peninsula. It is frequented by both locals and tourists, and it’s always full. Onda Surf is a school option for those who want to learn the sport. To get in touch, call (71)98446-9783.

15 Afonsinho Team Footvolley

Are you up to play footvolley? In Itapuã this is also possible. Located in Itapuã and Buraquinho, the Afonso Team school is open every day, with different monthly rates and packages twice or three times a week. Training takes place at all times of the day to better satisfy the practitioner of the sport.

The training sessions in Itapuã are held in the beach arena and in the arena that is right behind Colégio Lomanto Júnior, both in the same neighborhood. The opening hours at Romance Street are 5:30am/6:30am/7:30am/8:30am. At Lomanto Arena, the times are 3 pm and 4 pm. In the same place, on Mondays and Wednesdays, training takes place at 7:30 pm. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, they take place at 8 pm.

You also have the option to do a free practice trial by scheduling in advance. The school accepts audiences of all ages.

Establishment: Afonsinho Team Footvolley
Location: Itapuã
Phone: (71) 98797-8506
Instagram: @afonsinhoteamfutevolei

Another Footvolley option is Dieguinho Team Ftv, also located in Itapuã. The school offers footvolley training every day of the week for adults and children.

Address: Itapuã
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, at different times
Phone: (71) 992206837
Instagram: @dieguinhoteamftv

16 Posto 12 Steakhouse & Pizzeria

Posto 12 is in front of the sea and is a great place for those who like to get together with friends or family to enjoy good food, varied drinks and cold beer. The place also has live music on some days of the week, and you can sit closer to the street to watch the neighborhood movement, or closer to the beach to enjoy the sea breeze.

Establishment: Posto 12 Steakhouse and Pizzeria
Address: Aristides Milton Street, 33 – Itapuã
Opening hours: every day from 12 pm to 11 pm
Instagram: @posto12cp
Phone: (71) 99101-1431

17 Villa Bahiana

The restaurant, which is also a bar, offers typical dishes from the Bahian hinterland and coast, as well as many flavors of pizza, drinks and live music. Designed to provide comfort and well-being to its customers, the charming and cozy atmosphere of each environment and its excellent service have become hallmarks of the place. Villa Bahiana is considered, in just one year of its opening, as a traditional meeting point for those looking for a lot of entertainment, and for lovers of high-quality food with prices that fit in their pocket, in addition to being a wonderful leisure option for the whole family.

Establishment: Villa Bahiana
Address: Professor Souza Brito Street, 1 – Itapuã
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 3 pm to 3 am / Saturday, from 11 am to 5 am / Sunday and holidays, from 11 am to 3 am
Instagram: @villabahiana
Phone: (71) 2137-1643

18 Churrascaria Laço Gaúcho (Laço Gaúcho Steakhouse)

The place offers casual Brazilian barbecue cuisine and varied buffet options, with a menu of savory and sweet pizzas. The best thing about there, besides the food, is the price, which is more affordable than in other steakhouses.

Establishment: Churrascaria Laço Gaúcho
Address: Aristides Milton Street, 32 – Itapuã
Opening hours: every day from 11 am to 11:30 pm
Instagram: @churrascarialacogaucho
Phone: (71) 3285-0391

19 Siri Cascudo Piatã

Siri Cascudo was founded in 2016 on the edge of Salvador, in the Piatã neighborhood. Its location on Piatã beach is close to the old Casquinha de Siri, which served as one of the inspirations for the name. The aim of the place is to offer the best of Brazilian cuisine, always with excellent quality products, with a good variety of snacks and dishes. Some of the specialties are: fish, shrimp and mixed moquecas (Fish and Shrimp); red fried fish; sun-dried meat in cubes or filet with potatoes, or cassava, or farofa, and salad; arrumadinho; escondidinho (with sun-dried meat or shrimp); pastries; skewers; artisan hamburger and, of course, crab.

Establishment: Siri Cascudo
Address: Av. Octávio Mangabeira – Piatã, Salvador
Opening hours: Monday to Sunday, from 11 am to midnight
Instagram: @siricascudopiat4
Phone: (71) 99684-0873

20 Praia do Farol de Itapuã (Beach of Itapuã Lighthouse)

Marked by white and red horizontal stripes, the Itapuã Lighthouse is one of Salvador’s best-known postcards and holds part of the history of the Bahian capital. Installed at Pedra Piraboca, in Ponta de Itapuã, the monument was the fifth lighthouse built in Bahia, with the aim of guiding vessels passing through the region. Located on Itapuã Beach, the place inspired artists such as Dorival Caymmi, Vinícius de Moraes and Toquinho.

In addition to the view, the beach has several huts, with options for food, drinks and beers.

21 Lagoa do Abaeté (Lagoon of Abaeté)

Lagoa do Abaeté is one of Salvador’s main tourist attractions and is surrounded by dunes and an extensive green area. Located in the environmental preservation area of ​​the Metropolitan Park of the Dunes and Lagoon of Abaeté, in the Itapuã neighborhood, the freshwater lagoon is home to fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds. It is a natural landscape and an environmental preservation area for the lagoons and dunes of Abaeté, framed by state decree № 351, of September 22, 1987. The dunes have existed for thousands of years. There are guides specialized in tours of the cultural equipment, which offers better visiting hours during daylight.

Establishment: Lagoa do Abaeté
Address: Lagoa do Abaeté – Itapuã, Salvador – BA, 41600-090
Operation: Open 24 hours

22 Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Church of Our Lady of Conceição) in Itapuã

For those who don’t leave a neighborhood without seeing a religious temple, I present to you the Church of Our Lady of Conceição. The place was founded by fishermen, in the 17th century, around 1625. Initially, its structure was made of straw. In 1646, it was built in masonry. At that time, Itapuã housed a whaling trap. It is the parish church of Our Lady of Conceição, created in 1815.

Establishment: Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Itapuã
Address: Praça Dorival Caymmi, no number – Itapuã
Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday, from 8 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm / Saturday, from 8 am to 12 pm
Instagram: @paroquiadeitapua
Phones: (71) 3375-2082 / Phone/Fax (71) 3375-9020

23 Quiosque Dona Flor (Dona Flor Kiosk)

Located on the edge of Piatã, Quiosque Dona Flor has an open environment, with outdoor tables and chairs. In addition to having a wonderful service, the place has a variety of foods, such as moquecas, pastries, dumplings and fried fish. Always full, the establishment can get even more crowded on a day of live music. Google reviews give it the status of one of the best kiosks in the neighborhood.

Establishment: Quiosque Dona Flor
Address: Praia de Piatã, in front of the Casa Blanca Condominium
Opening hours: every day, from 2pm to 12:30am
Instagram: @quiosque_donaflor
Phone: 7192901513

24 Itapuã Bronze

For those who want to get a tan for the summer, the establishment in Itapuã performs natural female tan. There, solidarity tanning takes place from Monday to Friday, in which the client takes a kilo of non-perishable food and the tan costs R$70. On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, the session costs R$90 plus a kilo of food. The place also offers body hair bleach for R$10.00 every day and only works in the morning, arriving from 8 am to 10 am. No need to schedule.

Establishment: Itapuã Bronze
Address: Genebaldo Figueiredo Street, Edf° Caymmi Plaza, 366 Terraço – Itapuã
Opening hours: every day / service starts at 8 am and is on a first-come, first-served basis
Instagram: @itapuabronze
Phone: 71991770068

25 Sol do Caribe SPA (Caribbean Sun SPA)

This is yet another place for those who want to relax. The place works as a SPA and also does natural tanning with a tape or fabric bikini. The service is exclusively for women. In addition to this service, the place offers quick massage, vegan and organic tan, cold tan, lymphatic drainage, cupping therapy, clay therapy, whitening of areas (armpits, groin and others), porcelain mask, chocolatherapy and whipped cream bath. To schedule your session and check values, contact the link

Establishment: Sol do Caribe SPA
Address: Penthouse of Hotel Plattinum – Beijupirá Street, 80 – Jardim Placaford
Opening hours: every day from 8 am to 2 pm
Instagram: @soldocaribessa
phone: 71991422688

26 Itapuã Municipal Market

Located close to the waterfront, the Municipal Market of Itapuã is a large space that brings together a little of everything Bahia has. Divided into three floors, the space houses fair products, such as fruits and vegetables, seafood, greenery, handicrafts, farm products, bars and grocery stores. In addition, the place has an area reserved for modern restaurants, where you can enjoy the best of Bahian cuisine overlooking the sea.

Establishment: Itapuã Municipal Market
Address: Genebaldo Figueredo Street, Itapuã
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday, from 6 am to 7:30 pm / Sunday, from 6 am to 5:30 pm

27 Ki-Mukeka

The name says it all, but it’s worth mentioning: Ki-Mukeka specializes in moquecas. With more than 40 years of tradition, the place is one of the most traditional Bahian food restaurants in Salvador, with waitresses wearing white dresses and skirts worn by baianas de acarajé. The menu also has other options for main courses, starters and desserts, such as dumplings and cocadas.

The restaurant is on a cul-de-sac and has a privileged view: the back of the establishment, which could be called the backyard, is Itapuã beach, one of the best in Salvador.

Establishment: Ki-Mukeka
Address: Vento Sul Street, QD 3, lot 5 – Itapuã
Opening hours: Sunday to Tuesday, from 11:30 am to 5:00 pm / Wednesday to Saturday, from 11:30 am to 5:30 pm
Instagram: @kimukekaitapua
Phone: 71 99376-1259

28 Caranguejo do Pascoal

If you like a bar with good food, Caranguejo do Pascoal is perfect. The place is a casual bar with open-air tables, which serves a variety of food options, with an emphasis on crab in themed dishes. Known by customers as the place that has the best food and excellent service, the establishment is also a three-time champion of “boteco” food and the prices are super affordable.

Establishment: Caranguejo do Pascoal
Address: Olhos d’Água Street, 128 – Itapuã
Opening hours: Tuesday and Wednesday, from 5 pm to 11 pm / Friday, from 12 pm to 11 pm / Saturday, from 11 am to 11 pm / Sunday, from 11 am to 8 pm
Instagram: @caranguejodopascoal
Phone: (71) 3249-4360
